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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Google +1 Button in your site

Implement +1 button to your website

The implementation button is simple. You just need to insert two line of codes to your HTML or theme file.
1. Insert the following javascript code to your  tag
<script type="text/javascript" src="">script>
2. Insert the following tag to the place where you want the button to appear.
That ‘s it.
For WordPress
As of this post, there are no plugins for adding the +1 button yet (but I am sure it will be available very soon). To add the +1 button, in your themes folder, open the header.php file. Insert the javascript code to the  tag
Open your single.php or index.php, and place the  to the place where you want it to appear.


There are several parameters that you can use.
Size of the button: The default is “standard“, which is 24px tall. You can choose “small” (15px), “medium” (20px) or “tall” (60px).
Include count: The default is set to “true”. You can turn it off if you don’t want the +1′d count to appear.
URL (href): By default, the button will grab the URL of the existing page, but you can specify your own URL with the parameter href="your-url-here".

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