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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

download manger in linux - alternate to wget

its been a long time using wget and being fond of.

However, I was just willing to download a large file with multiple concurrent connections on a single path, as many download mangers with GUI provide so.

Not sure, whether wget provides this, but just found a good one.


however, its name was so confusing and odd one, I just did a quick ln -s  and made it more familiar.

and here is what I did.

# aria2c -s 5 -c http://the-download-url
where -s 5 is for 5 concurrent connections
-c is for continuing what I downloaded using wget.

and for more easier name of the command.
# sudo ln -s /usr/bin/aria2c /usr/bin/download

so its now the following

# download -s 5 -c http://link-to-download-from-web

and this is the general output format for aria2c


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